about the artist

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Some life events, thoughts, feelings…

  • Born in Tigre (Argentina).
  • Happy childhood.
  • Adolescence full of curiosity.
  • Lots of travelling, seeing different cultures, ways of being.
  • Discovering in horse riding/training an excellent way to connect and communicate with another being.
  • Encountering meditation, Buddhist teachings, yoga, non-duality.
  • Finding new, unexpected realities, alternative angles to perceive the experience of life.
  • Spending time exploring life through photography.
  • Seeing art as simply another form of expression and communication.
  • Dancing, moving, continuous contact with nature, physicality, touching.
  • Sculpting, clay, wood.
  • I like simplicity, minimalism, textures, shapes.
  • Am inspired by and admire many artists, although here I only mention those who had the greatest influence on what i do: Barbara Hepworth, David Nash and Mother Nature.